Tubo-Saddle Bag

The Tubo-Saddle Bag made from production leftovers is your ideal, sustainable companion in the event of a puncture. Our Road and CX/Gravel Tubolitos fit perfectly in the small water-repellent saddle bag. If you add a cartridge and tire lever, please make sure to protect the Tubolito in a small plastic bag from friction.
Like our inner tubes, the Tubolito-Saddle Bag is a true miracle of weight saving at approx. 28 grams.


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Free shipping for orders over 89.00

How to find your Tubolito product information

In case we ask you to submit product information about your Tubolito for quality review purposes, please send us the following two codes.

Step 1. Finding the Product Code of your Tubolito:
The product code is a 9 digit code next to the Tubolito logo on your tube.
In the example picture: 907111206

Step 2. Finding the Batch Code of your Tubolito:
The batch code is made up of 4 or 5 digits and a letter and is printed right underneath the name of your Tubolito.
In the example picture: 19465A

Thank you for your help and we hope you continue to enjoy using